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National Bestseller


Harness Purpose, Vitality, and Agility to thrive in the Face of Unrelenting Change

The logical, inspirational, and simplified approach you need to lead through unprecedented chaos—and help your teams and organizations thrive. 

In today’s world of near-constant disruption, every leader faces a slew of conflicting demands involving employees of different generations, cultures, and age groups; one of history’s tightest labor markets; and never-ending geopolitical, climate, financial, and health challenges.


Lead Through Anything provides simple, tested and actionable strategies to help you continually level-up your impact as an individual, manager, and leader. It walks you through the process of developing a leadership mentality that balances three key elements to achieve sustainable success.


  • Purpose: Create and share a vision that motivates collective achievements and aspirations
  • Vitality: Generate a high level of connection and trust within your teams and organization
  • Agility: Inspire and empower yourself and others to continuously learn and improve


Lead Through Anything focuses on a wide variety of skills, such as aligning people and energy to a common cause, building effective teams and helping them work together more selflessly, establishing positive confidence more often in oneself and others, increasing engagement and retaining top talent, and shaping a positive, impact-driven organizational culture.


Authors Dustin Seale and Ed Manfre are partners at Heidrick & Struggles, featured by Forbes and Statista on their America’s "Best Management Consulting Firms" list. This practical leadership framework, anchored by compelling storytelling and international case studies, is the result of a combined fifty years’ experience of researching and applying leadership principles with executives around the world.


The state of thriving is fully achievable, regardless of your profession or management level. Use Lead Through Anything to build the right mentality and skills for today’s world—and create a healthier, higher-performing culture that inspires everyone around you to achieve their greatest possible success.

“I encourage every leader, whether seasoned or aspiring, to embrace the wisdom within these pages.”

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

“Seale and Manfre are dedicated to shaping today’s leaders with an eye to creating a better future. Lead Through Anything is practical, accessible, and nothing short of inspirational.”

Robby Swinnen
Former President, Asia, Intel Corporation and Managing Director, Asia, The ExCo Group

"Seale and Manfre have done incredible research on high-performing leaders and what they have in common. Lead Through Anything is the culmination of their work to impact the world of business, inspire leaders, and shape thriving organizational cultures."

Tony Wood
Former CEO, Meggitt PLC

“The principles within Lead Through Anything are essential for business and for life. This book is what every leader needs to see their people through hard times and help them flourish in good times. The tools and techniques they provide help leaders create the operating system for high performing teams”

Mark A. Gabriel
President and CEO, United Power

Lead Through Anything is compelling, provocative, and accessible. The real stories of thriving leaders are inspiring and the model makes their attributes feel teachable and attainable. The authors’ masterful, meaningful use of language is elegant and energizing. I love this book!”

Rose Gailey
Global Lead and Partner, Organization Acceleration & Culture Shaping at Heidrick Consulting


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“If you only read one book this year with an aim towards improving your leadership skills and your business, make it Lead Through Anything. This book is a gold mine of knowledge and strategy.”

Timmi Zalatoris
CHRO of Sprouts Farmers Market

"Lead Through Anything outlines valuable principles for existing leaders and provides incredible guidance for those aspiring to leadership. Extensive research backs every strategic recommendation. All leaders will find valuable lessons that can immediately be put into practice.”

Ralph G. Kuechle Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist and CEO, LooperRoom Inc.

"Lead Through Anything uniquely distills the wisdom and experience acquired by countless leaders across sector, maturity, and geography. My own leadership journey has been elevated as a result of Dustin and Ed's work—many others will feel the same way."

Arjun Mallik

CEO, Prudential India Health

“Overflowing with practical examples and guidance, Lead Through Anything is exactly what today's leaders need to navigate the uncertainties of the future with purpose, vitality, and agility. It's a timely and essential guide to becoming your best self as a leader.”

Jay Conger
Henry Kravis Chaired Professor of Leadership Studies at Claremont McKenna College

"Lead Through Anything is both inspiring and profoundly practical. Seale and Manfre take the leadership discipline to a new level. This book is a must read for anyone seeking to build better organizations and for any aspirant leader ready to up their game."

Martin Glenn

Former CEO of The FA, United Biscuits and Birdseye




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